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Original Islamic painting by Saleha Contractor. 2020 Collection.
Hand-painted mixed media art on 48" Circular Wood Panel. Only one piece.
Inspired by the reconstruction of the holy Kaaba
Rabbana taqabbal minna innaka antas Sameeaul Aleem
"Our Lord! Accept (this service) from us: For you are the All-Hearing, the All-knowing"
The Story
The responsibility of the construction of the Kaaba, the ultimate house of Allah SWT, was put on the shoulders of Hazrat Ibrahim as and Hazrat Ismail as. It's interesting that there no details about the types of materials used or equipment for this project. Usually, for a construction project, such information is present.
What is mentioned, however, is the statement they made following the construction. When Ibrahim as raised the foundation of the Kaaba along with Ismail as, they made this Dua for acceptance of their work.
The prophets are the most intelligent, resourceful, and able. These two individuals performed this deed with their complete ability, but their fundamental request is, "oh, Allah accept from us."
This shows that even the most ABLE people who came before us did not depend on their deeds and accomplishments. They only relied upon and sought the acceptance of Allah SWT. If we do good deeds, we should strive to have it accepted by Allah. The dominant theme has to be that it is NOT ME. Success is only defined by the acceptance of Allah.
The puzzle layout symbolizes our life. Piece by piece we put things together, change directions and allow mistakes. We've been gifted with the blueprint and a goal. As we evolve and grow, we seek acceptance from the Al Mighty.